Tips Seru Liburan Di Bandung ala Backpacker

Liburan ala Backpacker Di Bandung | Foto :
Tips Seru Liburan Di Bandung ala Backpacker - sering dilakukan oleh anak-anak muda dari berbagai kota untuk menikmati suasana Bandung pada masa liburan. Sama halnya dengan wisata backpacker di kota-kota lainnya, di kota Bandung pun para wisatawan backpacker mengincar tempat-tempat yang murah. Bahkan jika bisa gratis. Tapi tidak usah khawatir. Di Bandung banyak tempat-tempat wisata yang murah. Tak hanya tempat wisata, hotel-hotelnya pun masih banyak yang murah-murah dengan kisaran harga di bawah Rp. 100.000.

Berikut ini tempat-tempat yang cocok bagi Anda yang mau liburan backpacker di Bandung.
Curug Dago

Curug Dago | Foto :
Salah satu tempat liburan di bandung ala backpacker adalah Curug Dago. Curug Dago ini masih jarang dikunjungi karena belum banyaknya orang yang mengetahui tempat wisata yang satu ini. Padahal, tempat wisata ini sangat indah. Tempatnya nyaman dan sejuk. Tempat ini cocok bagi Anda yang ingin menghilangkan penat setelah menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari.

Taman Hutan Raya Juanda

Taman Hutan Raya Juanda | Foto :
Taman Hutan Raya Juanda merupakan kawasan hutan konservasi yang sangat sejuk. Keberadaan hutan ini membuat wilayah Bandung Utara memiliki udara yang selalu sejuk meskipun jumlah kendaraan semakin bertambah. Hal inilah yang membuat tempat ini sering dijadikan tempat liburan di Bandung ala backpacker.

Observatorium Boscha
Observatorium Boscha Bandung | Foto :
Untuk bisa masuk ke observatorium Boscha ini, Anda hanya perlu membeli tiket seharga Rp. 5000. Hanya, sebelum datang sebaiknya Anda melakukan konfirmasi dulu pada pihak observatorium. Di Observatorium ini Anda bisam elihat berbagai benda langit dengan menggunakan teleskop raksasa. Di sana terdapat setidaknya lima teleskop raksasa. Jadi, Anda tidak usah takut berebutan.
Museum Geologi

Museum Geologi merupakan museum yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai benda bersejarah seperti fosil-fosil dan berbagai jenis batu-batuan. Jadi, selain jalan-jalan pengunjung juga bisa menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan.
Taman Budaya Dago

Taman Budaya Dago ini sebelumnya adalah Dago Tea house. Di taman budaya ini, Anda bisa melihat berbagai performa kesenian tradisional dari Sunda.

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu | Foto :
Tempat liburan di Bandung ala backpacker lainnya adalah Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu bisa menjadi pilihan bagi Anda yang ingin menikmati suasana kawah yang melegenda ini. Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto atau makan makanan khas seperti jagung bakar atau ketan bakar.
Bumi Perkemahan Cikole

Bagi Anda yang tidak menginap di hotel, rasanya berkemah di Bumi Perkemahan Cokole bisa menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Suasana yang asri, sejuk, dan menyatu dengan alam akan membuat siapapun merasa tenang.

Itulah beberapa tempat wisata pilihan bagi liburan di Bandung ala Backpacker. Selamat berwisata dan selamat bersenang-senang.


Packing Tips for Europe in Short Vacation

Packing Tips for Europe in Short Vacation - Europe will always be the country which is full of interesting places to visit. When making a trip to Europe for several days, the packs should be well arranged even though it is juts only for the short trip for the single destination. The Packing tips for Europe will help the visitors to find the interesting places to be visited in a plan of short trip. There are so many places which can be selected. But the visitors may go to all them. Of course it will take the time so long.

The Packing tips for Europe should also include the accommodation and transportation. Visiting the destination means that the visitors need the cars for bringing them. Because the vacation is on the short trip, of course the good management of time should be well considered. It deals with the time estimation which the visitors should deal. For getting the complete information about the tourism places in Europe, the guide will tell the visitors in complete detail.

Making the planning for the destination should be well arranged. It includes the Packing tips for Europe. The places which will be visited are the tourism places which are very popular in the world. You can get the information about the tourism places in the internet. Then, you can set a planning together with your friends. That will be a good idea to you. Spending the end of year for having the vacation to Europe will give the different attraction.
The Packing tips for Europe should include the hotel preservation several days before. It is for sure that in the holiday time, the hotel will be booked by many people so that you might get difficulty in booking the hotel if the preservation is not done several days before. The visitors should think about this case because it will be very useful for the important information. The hotel must be in the best services for the good facilities.

After getting the time in Europe, the visitors will have a lot of fun for being told to the friends. The Packing tips for Europe can be delivered to their friends also so that they can get the other information to be changed. Taking the photographs will make the moment are safe in the computer. The photographs should be taken in the best camera. So, it is important for us to remind you that bringing camera should not be forgotten.

Cheap Maldives Holiday in Short Trip

Cheap Maldives Holiday in Short Trip - The holiday time will always be something which many people are waiting for. A lot of fun will be got in the new place with the new environment. For that reason, many people will make the planning for having the holiday time in the end of the year. But the budget may become something burdened because the limited of money. If the travelers are excellent enough, visiting the new places in the tight budget can be done. It deals with the cheap Maldives holiday for the enjoyable holiday.

The cheap Maldives holiday should include the accommodation for the best transportation. If you are visiting the certain destination, you have to make a plan to the destinations which will be visited. Of course it will take you to take the rent car. Actually, the hotel serves the guest with the rent car for visiting the places to the destination. But the price for rent is in the high price so that the money will be lost soon just for the rent car only.

In cheap Maldives holiday, hotels must be in the first consideration for being thought. If we can suggest you, we want to say that the hotel must be in the best services. Actually, the rates of the hotel is not as expensive as many people think before. The visitors should see the facility of the hotel first before saying that the hotel is so expensive. The cheap here does not mean that the hotel must be in the low facility service.

The cheap Maldives holiday will be completed with the taking photographs. The people should like having the photos as the memory that they have visited the special places in the world. For getting the complete information about the tourism place, accessing the internet is a good way to do. The holiday time will be the best thing to have. Of course the budget must be prepared in the high number of money.

There will be so many experiences for being told to your friends after having the vacation in so many kinds of interesting places. The cheap Maldives holiday can give the unforgettable moments with families and friends. Especially for the new comers who never visit that certain place, the fun can be something which they never forget for the whole life. But we should remind you that the taking photos should be done as often as possible.

Family Ski Holidays in December

Family Ski Holidays in December - When December comes, the planning for having the vacation in the new places must be arranged so well so that you can enjoy the trip so much. The holiday time can be filled with having the ski activity in the cold place. The Family Ski Holidays are always making the family members get so much fun with the other people in enjoying the ski. There are several equipments which should be done for having the ski time with the family or friends.

It will be the nice holiday if the hotel which is preserved is in the good service. The Family Ski Holidays will be perfect by having the good service of the hotel. But we should remind you that the hotel with good facilities must be in the high rates. As long as the budget is enough for taking the high rates of the hotel, the holiday time will not be a problem. Furthermore, the bedding quality of the hotel must be in the good condition.

For going to the Family Ski Holidays, of course the transportation is needed. That is why having the rent car will really help the visitors you reach the place. Of course the place is really nice for having the sky time. There, the visitors will find so many people who want to have the same thing to deal. They can introduce their selves to each other and then having a ski competition is a good idea. But having the individual ski is permitted also.

We should remind the people that bringing jacket is very important. Because the Family Ski Holidays is in the cold place, so that the jacket will cover their body so that the cold weather will not disturb the ski time in the good places. After that, the visitors can make the time more interesting by taking the photos in several poses.

After having the Family Ski Holidays for several days, the fresh mind can be got so that people can go to work in the new mind condition. That is why many people suggest this activity in the holiday for setting up the mind again. Even though the ski holiday is in the short days, a lot of fun can be reached with friends and families. For the winter, making the plan for doing the same activities can be done. The same fun can be got in the future time.

Family Adventure Holidays in Mountain Area

Family Adventure Holidays in Mountain Area - There will be a lot of challenge when the great adventure is done. But you have to know that the people in the big cities will make the combination of adventure activity to be done in line with the holiday time. Of course they should prepare so the adventure equipment can be brought together with them. The Family Adventure Holidays in the Mountain Area will be an excellent recommendation for people who love having the challenge in the mountain area with the cold weather.

The Family Adventure Holidays will be completed with the good service from the hotel. Even though the visitors want to make the adventure in the mountain area, having the hotels to stay before coming to the mountain should be done. The hotel should be in the best service. The service here means that the visitors can have the good bed for sleeping, the enough space for the interior, and the good water condition for bathing time.

For reaching the mountain area, of course the cars are needed for bringing the family member to go there. That is why the Family Adventure Holidays should include the rent car for being inserted. Actually, the visitors can have their own car to go there. But it is hard for them to do the off-road so that having the rent car will really help them for the transportation. There are so many cheap rent car for being rented in the off road condition.

For getting the information about Family Adventure Holidays, you may browse the articles in the internet related to the tourism places in that country. There are a lot of fantastic places which you can get. So, visiting Egypt will be a good idea to do. You have to get the complete information there. You can have the good time for having the sky time. Of course we should remind you to bring the jacket because the situation in the mountain is very cold.

The Mountain area will always give the interest for being searched in a term of The Family Adventure Holidays. A lot of fund and laugh with families and friends will be always something which you never forget. If can remind you, we want to say that inviting some more friends will make the adventure becomes more interesting. But the guide should be on with you fir telling you the dangerous location which you may not go there alone.